Portfolio Two

My second portfolio project, built using Next.js with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS, it uses components from aceternity ui for the animations and shadcn for ui for components. These two UI commponent providers were chosen as they provide a range of components however only require to install the components I require.

Portfolio 2

Initially, I built this portfolio using React and Vite, but I decided to migrate it to Next.js to leverage its powerful features and improve the overall performance and user experience. Another major benefit is Next.js's file-based routing system, which simplified the navigation structure of my portfolio. However, adapting to this new routing system presented a notable learning curve. In Vite, routing was manually configured, often involving the use of third-party libraries like React Router. In contrast, Next.js uses a file-based routing approach where the file structure directly determines the routes. The file-based routing system eventually proved to be intuitive and efficient, allowing me to add new pages effortlessly without needing extensive configuration

Portfolio 2
Portfolio 2